meizitang strong advanced will demand

06/04/2015 19:05

Like many serious ailments, meizitang strong advanced will demand that you eat the right, healthy food and lead a very healthy lifestyle. Say goodbye to guilty pleasure like chocolates and booze. Say hello to yogurts and the like. Vegetables will be an integral part of the diet though not all are given the green light to be munched on. Starchy vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, peas and etc should be avoided. Other than the aforementioned, almost all vegetables are good for the diet. This will suck mold and sugar and starve the fungus of the regular diet that feeds it as they are also low in fat and calories. Vegetables should be taken raw and fresh. This is a good source of dietary fiber and will give us all the extra energy we need for our daily tasks. Protein is also a part of the diet. Beef, chicken and fish are a healthy source of protein. Where is pork? Pigs usually eat dirty things. Enough said.

trim-fast and spices should also be considered in the diet. They are good anti-oxidants that maintain your best health. These are even known to fight cancer and coronary heart ailments. It should aid in the Candida issue as well. What's best about this is that this will add flavor to the already limited and bland diet that is being enforced unto you. Since we are in the topic of anti-oxidants, how about teas? Did you know that Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world? Second only to water (duh)... With that in mind, how about drinking and consuming a healthy beverage instead of any other regular drink? This prevents blood clotting, lower cholesterol levels, deactivate cancer promoters and help stimulate the immune system that Candida itself is destroying. Before you do munch on anything next time, ask yourself "Will this food lead me to Candida and eventually make me eat raw garlic for breakfast?" Good for you Mr. Halitosis.



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